Monday, May 25, 2020

Modern Architecture Of Dubai Architecture - 1793 Words

Futuristic Architecture of Dubai: Architecture is a field studied vastly across the world in many schools; an architect has been a part of almost everything created/designed in today s infrastructure. The things created are amazing and the Future of architecture is unknown, in Dubai it seems as if the future is seen right now. Throughout the world many different crazy forms of architecture but perhaps the most modern and futuristic can be found in Dubai; the visual appeal of these buildings are indescribable. Throughout this project the coverage will include the details of what is so remarkable about this style, why is it so successful, and what is it that makes it so outstanding. The most immaculate Architecture is not yet built, the†¦show more content†¦Architects responsible for these buildings ââ€"  Some of the architects who have created these buildings are Adrian Smith, Marshall Strabala, William F. Baker, George J. Efstathiou, Carlos Ott, Tom Wright, Hazel W.S. Wong Norr and tons more. -The UAE architecture took off not too long ago (1950’s). The location of the three main cities in the UAE are in a bare desert. Where the use of this style architecture is so difficult. That’s what makes it so awesome. Source: Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel Innovations throughout the course of the UAE Height of buildings ââ€"  The size of these buildings have changed by an enormous amount, the settlers here started out in little huts/ square homes. They couldn t build much more because they lived in the sand and didn’t have the knowledge or technology they do now. These little tiny homes have turned into the tallest buildings in the whole world. Service-(water supply, stairs, elevators) ââ€"  The engineers have designed a system to provide a solid water pressure to every single floor in the building. They have achieved this by dedicating whole entire floors to water. So since you can only maintain a water pressure for so many floors the engineers decided to put water stations on certain floors at a height where the water pressure gets weak. This means that a whole floor is used for holding some water but mainly for water pumps andShow MoreRelatedDubai, United Arab Emirates1349 Words   |  6 PagesDubai, United Arab Emirates. Known for its modern technology, ultramodern architecture, and is one of the most advanced cities in the world. Dubai is setting the example for many cities around the globe. Known greatly for its luxury and â€Å"fanciness†, Dubai is becoming popular for tourism and shopping, and they are pulling as many people in as they can. The reason why Dubai is now focusing on tourism instead of oil is because the supply of oil is depleting , and soon enough the oil will be goneRead More Ottoman Architecture Essay1029 Words   |  5 Pagesbeliefs, and architecture are among the few that actually do last. 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